P | SUNWcar | Core Architecture, (Root) |
P | SUNWkvm | Core Architecture, (Kvm) |
P | SUNWcsr | Core Solaris, (Root) |
P | SUNWcsu | Core Solaris, (Usr) |
P | SUNWcsd | Core Solaris Devices |
P | SUNWcsl | Core Solaris Libraries |
P | SUNWpostgr | PostgreSQL 8.1.3 client programs and libraries |
P | SUNWTcl | Tcl - Tool Command Language |
P | SUNWTk | Tk - TCL GUI Toolkit |
P | SUNWperl584core | Perl 5.8.4 programming language (core) |
P | SUNWperl584usr | Perl 5.8.4 programming language (non-core) |
P | SUNWPython | The Python interpreter, libraries and utilities |